About the profession of constructions engineer

About the profession of constructions engineer

10 January 2021

Starting with the Spring of 2017, we planned to offer students of constructions faculties the chance to have a first contact with the world where they are to develop their careers. This is possible through practice activities, educational scholarships or even jobs.

Bogdan Musat is one of the students who started their part-time job within our company in March. Now, once he completed his education, we are happy to welcome a permanent freshly graduated engineer, whose steps we can lead towards a successful career.

We hereby congratulate for his graduation, we welcome him within our team and we wish to thank him for the way he chose to share his thoughts about the construction engineer profession.

The profession of constructions engineer is based on a wide range of information that is not strictly related to the domain of constructions, but integrates other domains such as legislation or economy. Thus, this profession implies a lot of devotion and responsibility, qualities which are necessary to anyone who dreams of a successful career within this industry.

I believe that each experience gathered on the construction site and at the faculty are strongly tied to one another and have helped me make the correlation between the theoretical and the practical one.

For me, the construction site represents the place where imagination turns into reality. The variety of construction materials and the diversity of execution techniques can lead to some really imposing constructions.

The first impression about the activity on the construction site was that the activity does not imply much effort, thinking that the site manager only coordinates workers and organizes activities. Afterwards, things changed and I saw that the difficulty level varies from a day to the other, depending on the events.